Wednesday, March 3, 2010

February trip to Boston

At it again. We went to Burlington for a check up to see how the January surgery went....and we did not get good news. So we were sent back to Boston for another surgery. This one was much different though. We have been going down for laser and cryotherapy treatments. This time they wanted to do a vitrectomy. Which is the removal of the fluid in the eye. They stick in three needle like things into the eye to remove the cloudy fluid and they replaced it with a gas bubble and saline like fluid. The gas bubble is used to put pressure on the retina to lay flat and hopefully reaatch itself. Sarah came down with a stomach bug the morning we were supposed to go so Fred had to stay home with Her and Logan. Keith and I made this trip by ourselves....Not Fun!!! I really need my other half to hold me up!!! Keith's nerves got the better of him the morning of the surgery. I think that nerves, mixed with an empty stomach and the super hot waiting room really wreeked havoc on his system! Keith cannot lay flat on his back, run, jump, fly on an airplane, change elevations for the next 30 days! So, basically not be an 8 year old boy for 30 days. Impossible you say???? We will only find out soon enough!?!? It has been tough as we have had to do the drops 4 times a day and those of you who know Keith well know that this is not an easy task!! We did find the cocktail for anesthisia that works for him!! Only 5 surgeries before we got the right one!! We are opting to go with the intramuscular injection rather then the "yummy" sleepy juice that never seemed to work, or taste good for that matter!! So we have been in for the one week post opp visit and all seems ok. His eye pressure is in the normal range, they cannot see much due to the gas bubble but we will go back in two weeks to see how he is holding up. Hopefully if all goes well we will not have to go to Boston for 6-8 weeks! I love to visit Boston but this is getting rediculous! We are going to have to find an apartment down there if we keep this up!! Here are some new pics to ponder at! He loves to gross his Mom out as he knows how much the eye bothers me and makes my eyes water just thinking about it!!

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