Sunday, January 24, 2010

January 2010 trip to Boston

Back to Boston again. This time we were unable to find anyone who could come with us. So Fred stayed at the hotel with the two younger kids and I went with Keith to the hospital. It was an easy surgery for him this time as they only had to use the laser...which does not cause much in swelling or pain. He did have a hard time coming out of the anesthisia, it took about 5 hours. We will have to re-evaluate this for the next surgery. The surgeon (Dr Duker)  said that we would need to see our retinal specialist (Dr Kim) in Burlington in 4 weeks. If he does not see a significant reduction in the amount of fluid in Keith's eye then Keith would need to come back down to Boston shortly after the appointment for a vitrectomy (which is where they will make 3 incisions in the eye and drain the fluid out, then they will replace it with a saline solution) I am not looking forward to this as this has many more complications. We went to Boston 2 days before his surgery so we were able to take the kids to the Boston Museum of Science! Wow was that fun!! For Christmas, Fred's parents gave the kids some money, so they pooled it and bought a years membership for the family which also includes like 100+ museums, zoos, and aquariums accross the US and Canada. They had a Harry Potter Exhibit that was great! Over priced, but great. I don't think that we even saw half of the museum and we were there for 6 hours. When we arrived home we were very lucky that our Church and friends had arranged to have meals delivered to our house for the rest of the week. It was such a relief not to have to worry about dinner while helping Keith recover!

There was an amazing lightning show!

Logan had to cover his ears for the loud "booms"

The Amazing Nano Brothers Juggling Show!
This was so cool. The kids laughed quite a bit!

A view of Fenway Park from the top of the Prudential Center!

One of the cool machines to take pictures of Keith's retina.

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