Saturday, June 13, 2009

Sarah's Tea Party

What a wonderful party! The weather held off nicely and we had a great time.
I very much love being able to have the girly parties. I hope
Sarah enjoys them for a few more years!!
We set up the tent for a nice garden tea party

Everything looked so beautiful.
We bought a beautiful tea service for 6 and we have packed it
away for Sarah's hope chest.

Yummy pink cupcakes (dairy free so Logan could enjoy too!)
The candles spell out Sarah Bear (our nickname for her!)

Sarah picked out beautiful party gifts!

The Rose tea set on my silver platter

party gifts for each girl, the dress is a little note pad!

20 minute countdown. Someone is very excited!

The Moms and Daughters making their hats for the Tea Party!

We had to learn to be ladies! A little tea bag spoon race!!

So many little goodies to eat and drink

Each Mom and Daughter stopped for a picture

The Little Ladies!!!!!